Sunday, November 30, 2014

NYC - Fashion Safari and Top of Gold

Hello Everyone!

While I was at Target the other night getting a new iPhone charging cord (those things always break!), I figured I'd take a peek at the nail polish isle. Bad idea! I happened to pick up two beautiful NYC polishes, among other things. I'd like to note that I typically do not buy NYC. I think before these two, I only had two other shades and generally walk past them. But I have been looking for a taupe color and this gold flakie topper was sitting right next to it... Needless to say, I could not pass these up. What woman doesn't love gold?!

Fashion Safari is a taupe creme that would be a great "nude" for someone with fairer skin. This is two coats with no top coat.

Top of the Gold is a dense golden glitter flakie. It goes perfectly with Fashion Safari and I'm sure it would look great on any other polish. This is one coat on top of the previous polish. What I like about this gold flakie is that they flakes are semi transparent. I can't wait to see how it looks layered on darker colors.

I think that both of these polishes were about $1.79 at Target. NYC is sold at most other drug stores.

Until next time,

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