Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wet N Wild - Yo Soy and Matte Top Coat

Hello Everyone!

Today I have swatches of two polishes that I picked up from my local CVS a few weeks ago. They are Wet N Wild polishes from the new staple line (the polishes that they will have in stock for the next few months or years). I wasn't a fan of all of them, so I just chose something that I knew I have been wanting and could use often.

Swatches below!

Yo Soy is a nude color that I liked right off the bat. Typically, I love Wet N Wild's nudes because they come in so many different colors and opacities. Although this one was opaque with one layer, it did show the imperfections and ridges in my nails, so I had to do two coats. This is a really nice basic nude and looks very clean. For this swatch I used two layers of varnish and one layer of top coat.

yo soy wet n wild
Wet N Wild - Yo Soy
Wet N Wild  Yo Soy
Wet N Wild - Yo Soy
Because the shine wasn't showing in my light box photographs, I took pictures of this polish in natural daylight. I did the same for the matte so that you can see how different it looks with the different finishes.

I also picked up their Matte Top Coat. I love love love matte polish but I really don't see the point in just buying matte ones when I could buy a top coat and transform all of my polishes. :) (Cheaper!!!) These two polishes were only $ 0.99, so I didn't see the harm in picking up this one. I think I have about 5 matte top coats and I will most likely do a comparison post because they all look very different. Either way, this top coat paired with Yo Soy was a hit. I fell in love with Yo Soy even more than I already was before! I would say that it was a good investment for only 99 cents. There was only one thing that I didn't like about it which was that the top coat tends to be a little bit thick, so it's easy to glob on too much which will add on dry time.

Wet N Wild - Yo Soy

Wet N Wild - Yo Soy in natural day light

Wet N Wild - Yo Soy

Wet N Wild - Yo Soy
I was loving this color with the matte top coat, so I decided to take some pictures from different angles. :) 

Both of these polishes are available at CVS for sure and most likely at any other drug store.

Until next time,



  1. just picked this up today, super late I know but even so~ haha
    I'm in love with it, it matches your skin color well!
    Although I'll have to wait for a few weeks to try it myself as I just had my gel nails taken off. :P

    I'll have to pick up the matte top coat as well then!
    Love your blog btw <3

    Ina xx

  2. This looks GORGEOUS on you, so much in fact, I was inspired to buy it. I got it for 94 cents! I have a similar skin tone.
